Sobre nosotros
AENER ENERGÍA nace en Madrid (España) en 1994 como fabricante de condensadores de potencia, baterías automáticas de condensadores, equipos de calidad de red como SAI´s – UPS´s y estabilizadores de voltaje.
Aener Energía
Calle Canarias, 8
28864 Ajalvir
+34 916 68 03 30
Lunes a Jueves: 8:00-17:00 horas
Viernes: 9:00-14:00 horas
/en Energy saving system /por arancha10-600 KW/400 V 50 Hz
The Energy Saving System ECONELEC ® has been designed and produced in Spain for our company and it is the result of years of work and experience.
ECONELEC ® is able to meet, on single equipment, with different important functions to the proper operation of the electrical facilities and achieve a significant reduction in electrcity bills.
Installing our Energy Saving System, our customers get a return on investment quickly and a great total savings thanks to its 150,000 hours of life expectancy.It is a strong and easy to maintain.
ECONELEC ® contributes efficiently to lower CO2 emissions to the environment,
thus protecting our planet.
It can be installed in any industry, local, business, hospital, housing, … that meets the required safe conditions.
Check Sheet
/en Services /por aranchaPRE-SALES SERVICE
/en Services /por aranchacustomer’s installation in order to check all important aspects,
i.e. choice of an adequate equipment, the location of the
equipment, adequacy to the environment where the equipment
will be used and, certainly, the accomplishment of exhaustive
net analyses with the most advanced measurement instruments.
AENER also advises, free, to all kinds of companies in choosing the equipment who want to install by analyzing energy bills, engineering design studies, etc.. The presence of an installation technician is vital for maximum safety that the choice is correct and that your investment will be fully safeguarded. The Teleservice option can also be a good choice for the first consultation and know, in this way, the level of investment-savings that may occur.