Sobre nosotros
AENER ENERGÍA nace en Madrid (España) en 1994 como fabricante de condensadores de potencia, baterías automáticas de condensadores, equipos de calidad de red como SAI´s – UPS´s y estabilizadores de voltaje.
Aener Energía
Calle Canarias, 8
28864 Ajalvir
+34 916 68 03 30
Lunes a Jueves: 8:00-17:00 horas
Viernes: 9:00-14:00 horas
/en Services /por aranchaTAS
/en Services /por aranchaMAINTENANCE CONTRACT
/en Services /por aranchaOtherwise, it can cause significant economic losses and disturbances in the rest of the installation.
Our Technical Department offers to our customers the possibility to sign a maintenance contract, in order to reduce to theminimum the risks that could bring the equipment to eventual damages as well as the costs involved in same.
The contracts provide different formulas ranging from check to check operation of the equipment to total solutions including interventions, replacements of damaged parts with original parts, periodic preventive maintenance visits … all reflected in a contract that is adapted at all times to customer needs.