cursosOur Technical and Quality Departments organize training on
AENER energy saving system, automatic capacitors bank, UPS and voltage stabilizers for our customers, in order to explain all technical details like smooth operation, right installation, etc.

In addition, we offer training on electrical energy, quality of
energy and related subjects.


calbat2 AENER ENERGIA has developed a complete software for the calculation of automatic capacitors bank, CALBAT. This is a useful and quite successful software toll for distributors, installers, engineering companies and electrical distribution combanies.

Other programs like RUPS UPSILON 2000 and 2000 are used to control and monitor your UPS and the UPS battery condition


renting AENER Energy has launched a Rent Service in some products. In this process, we’ll take care of advise in choosing, supply, installation and maintenance.

For more information click here.