Aener presenta su nuevo catálogo general con grandes avances para el ahorro energético

Madrid, marzo de 2014.– Aener Energía ha lanzado su nuevo catálogo general, en el que pone a disposición del mercado una completa gama de productos y soluciones para conseguir el máximo ahorro energético en todo tipo de instalaciones eléctricas.

La compañía presenta una innovadora familia de equipos y sistemas de desarrollo propio, que incorpora la más avanzada tecnología. Unas propuestas altamente rentables y eficientes, que son fruto de la decidida apuesta por la I+D+i que ha realizado Aener Energía en los últimos años.

De esta forma, se quiere dar respuesta a la creciente demanda de la industria y establecimientos comerciales de diverso ámbito para reducir los gastos asociados a su consumo energético, con las mejores alternativas disponibles y modernos equipamientos que proporcionen los más altos estándares de calidad. Leer más

AENER creates innovative equipment that reduces consumption of electrical installations

The Spanish company Aener Energia has developed the Energy Saving System, ECONELEC®. It is innovative equipment that optimizes electrical installations and reduces energy consumption by between 5% and 20%.

Madrid, March 2014.- Aener Energia has designed an innovative solution that makes significant improvements on the optimization of the electrical installations. A new alternative, developed with own technology, 100% Spanish one, which provides great advantages from the point of view of energy saving and efficiency to all industries and service establishments (shops, buildings, offices, etc…). This is the Energy Saving System ECONELEC®, capable of achieving a significant reduction in consumption, between 5% and 20%.

After years of research, in collaboration with several major universities in the country, the company has made ​​available to the market this equipment in response to changes in consumption that have been experienced in recent years by new equipment that are incorporated in industrial facilities and services.

Objective: To achieve optimized energy bill
The aim of ECONELEC® is to help the new forms of power consumption, coming from increase has been registered equipment with electronic components and lighting systems, such as LED, achieve the highest standards of energy efficiency, ensuring the best operation.

With incorporation of ECONELEC® is obtained to eliminate the problems associated with this increase of devices, both in distribution systems and electrical transport, as in the inner networks of each consumer, causing disturbances and harmonic distortions in the grid. Among these disadvantages, it should be pointed out overloading of equipment and systems (transformers, drives, motors, wires, etc…) or unexpected tripping of electrical protection.

ECONELEC® effectively improves all these factors, on single equipment, whose main functions are:

• Elimination of reactive power consumed at the facility.

• Reducing the maximum power demand between 3% and 10%.

• Reduced consumption between 5% and 20%.

• Decreased total harmonic distortion of load.

• Improved voltage waveform installation.

 ECONELEC®: Major advances in energy efficiency
The Energy Saving System ECONELEC® stands for a progress that directly affects the corporate savings and a wide range of businesses, with a significant reduction in electricity bills and energy consumption. These equipments also contribute to the development of a sustainable future, with a decrease in CO2 emissions to the environment.

Result of its strong commitment to R&D+i, Aener Energia wants to contribute its experience and knowledge to achieve technological advances of last generation, as ECONELEC®, to provide appropriate solutions to the new challenges of energy efficiency solutions that industry is demanding and ensure respect for the environment and taking care of the planet.

*About Aener Energia
 Aener Energia is a 100% Spanish company based in Madrid and established in 1994, specializing in savings and power quality. Its activities are centred mainly in the production of Power Capacitors, Automatic Capacitor Banks and quality equipment such as UPS and Voltage Stabilizers.

From the beginning, Aener Energia has been characterized by providing the market relevant aspects such as integrated management of product and service, as well as a permanent work in R&D+i. Its symbol of identity is the production of a high quality service and personal attention and relationships with its customers.

AENER Energy has the ISO9001-2008 certification, DURE (Cuba) approval and IDAE (Spain) recognition. Aener also has the certification and approval of the Ministry of Defence and the United Nations.

Aener crea un innovador equipo que reduce el consumo de las instalaciones eléctricas

Aener Energía ha diseñado una innovadora solución que introduce importantes mejoras en la optimización de las instalaciones eléctricas. Una nueva alternativa, desarrollada con tecnología propia 100% española, que aporta grandes ventajas desde el punto de vista del ahorro y la eficiencia energética a todo tipo de industria y establecimientos de servicios (comercios, edificios, oficinas, etc.). Se trata del Filtro Economizador de Energía ECONELEC®, capaz de conseguir una importante reducción del consumo, que oscila entre el 5% y el 20%.

Tras años de investigación, y en colaboración con varias de las principales universidades del país, la compañía ha puesto a disposición del mercado este equipo como respuesta a los cambios de consumo que se han experimentado en los últimos años por los nuevos equipamientos que se están incorporando en las instalaciones industriales y de servicios. Leer más